
Our work

For more than three decades, the New Economics Foundation’s mission has been to transform the economy so it works for people and the planet. We work with people igniting change from below and combine this with rigorous research to fight for change at the top.

NEF aims to create a new economy that by 2040 works for people and within environmental limits. We do this through:

  • Policy and research
    Producing original, rigorous and creative research, and developing policy solutions shaped by the lived experience of those at the sharp end of the old economy.
  • Transforming local economies
    Supporting practical, on-the-ground projects that devolve power to communities, and improve wellbeing and sustainability.
  • Campaigns and organising
    Working alongside people, community groups, activists and organisations to build a movement for economic change. Find out more.
  • Our consultancy
    Helping organisations to think differently about environmental and social impact, and how they collaborate, interact and make decisions. Find out more.

NEF has pioneered ideas and practices including co-production, local money flow analysis, social return on investment, ethical investment and social auditing. We have given birth to a range of organisations to carry on our work, including the Jubilee 2000 Debt Campaign, the Ethical Trading Initiative, AccountAbility, Time Banking UK, the London Rebuilding Society, the Community Development Finance Association and the New Economy Organisers Network.

In the last few years, NEF has:

  • Pioneered co-production and asset-based community development in the UK.
  • Innovated community and early action agendas of local authorities.
  • Developed a new vision for UK coastal towns.
  • Embedded democratic engagement in devolution.
  • Delivered successful community economic development programmes.
  • Launched an online platform to map new economy projects around the UK.

Our work now is focused on three urgent missions to transform the economy.